> Crafts
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> Rockets
Serial Crafter?
It's not that bad, you know. Yeah sure, it often seems that I wind up with a lot of supplies, yet never have time to use them, but it's not as bad as that. Crafts don't have to be elitist. Embroidery thread isn't just for embroidery! If you think creatively, it's amazing the uses you can find for things...
Crafty Compulsions Below is the current crafts tally sheet - off the top of my head, and in no particular order. I have a lot of WIPs (work-in-progress), but I do also have a fair few finished bits and pieces (usually for other people)! Some of these deserve a bit of space to themselves, and have links below.

Current HobbysFuture Plans
> Model Rocketry
> Papermaking
> Scrapbooking
Glass painting (badly)
Interior Decoration
(Paint effects, Stencilling)
Card Making
Rubber Stamping
Glass painting (properly)
Drawing / Painting
Dolls House (from scratch)
Minature X-Stitch (40HPI)
Tea-bag folding
Lacé (decorative paper cutting)

I'd had to consign an entire room of my old house to be my little artsy-craftsy room, but at the moment I'm making do with very limited accessible supplies, as they're all packed up in trunks in storage until I get a place of my own.

I'm a member of London.crafts, a new group based in London, full of geeks who Make Stuff. We aim to get together once a month to share new ideas and techniques, and actually have some time for making things.

If you want to "encourage" me, anything from Elizabeth R Anderson's Minature Embroideries is on my Christmas list!