Crafty Compulsions
Below is the current crafts tally sheet - off the top of my head, and in no particular order. I have a lot of WIPs (work-in-progress), but I do also have a fair few finished bits and pieces (usually for other people)! Some of these deserve a bit of space to themselves, and have links below.
Current Hobbys | Future Plans |
> Model Rocketry
> Papermaking
> Scrapbooking
Glass painting (badly)
Interior Decoration
(Paint effects, Stencilling)
Card Making
Rubber Stamping
Glass painting (properly)
Drawing / Painting
Dolls House (from scratch)
Minature X-Stitch (40HPI)
Tea-bag folding
Lacé (decorative paper cutting)
I'd had to consign an entire room of my old house to be my little artsy-craftsy room, but at the moment I'm making do with very limited accessible supplies, as they're all packed up in trunks in storage until I get a place of my own.
I'm a member of London.crafts, a new group based in London, full of geeks who Make Stuff. We aim to get together once a month to share new ideas and techniques, and actually have some time for making things.
If you want to "encourage" me, anything from Elizabeth R Anderson's Minature Embroideries is on my Christmas list!